Packaging Equipment Cost Savings: Top Sheet Dispensers

Most of the time, standardization in packaging can cut costs, provide professional results and increase worker safety. As one of our customers was looking to eliminate the issues they were having packing by hand, we decided to implement an automatic top sheet dispenser.

With dramatic results, this piece of machinery proved to be worth the investment for our customer.

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A well known company was applying the top sheets they were using by hand, rather than using an automated process. This did two things:

  • Increased overall labor costs
  • A bit of a hassle applying each sheet by hand

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Purchase a few automatic top sheet dispensers at a one time cost.

  • Cut out labor costs
  • 7.5 month ROI

After purchasing 3 automatic top sheet dispensers, the company saved over 33% and expects to 43%to come!

To find out more about IPS Packaging, call 800.277.7007 or email our Sales team.

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