Cornerboard: Quick Solutions for Any Application

The beauty of cornerboard is that it provides a solution for any application. Below are a few of the solutions IPS Packaging has found to be helpful for a variety of customers:

For the Long and Narrow - UCrate®

This durable, easy-to-load, cost-effective packaging provides impact resistance, scuff protection and study stack ability.

For the 3-Sided Protection - UChannel®:

This packaging solution saves on both time and money. It is the perfect substitute for the expensive wood crates or the sometimes hard-to-handle corrugate. This is a single-piece construction that can be formed into custom sizes.


For the Corners - NotchBoard®

This kind of corner protection features precise die-cut notches and scores that allow it to be hand-folded quickly into a 90-degree shape.


For Your Stay in Place Solution - QuikStik®

This allows you to streamline your packaging process using proprietary adhesive surface. The QuikStik® will stay in place long enough for you to wrap, band and load your product.

For the Plastic Protection - Extruded VBoard®

This plastic VBoard is 100% waterproof and is also available in VGuard and FlexBoard.

For the Wood Substitute - PF PalletTop®

This is the smart alternative to wood. It's patented design forms a sturdy square or rectangular shape to fit tops, sides or bottoms or palletized loads.

For the Water Resistant Needs - HydroShield®

To protect those products in humid and wet environments use the HydroShield® with it's water resistant coating.

For more information on IPS Packaging products and machines, call 800.277.7007 or email our Sales team.

UCrate is a durable, easy-to-load, cost-effective packaging material that provides impact resistance, scuff protection and sturdy stack ability. UCrate offers a highly durable option for protecting long, narrow products such as window blinds/rods, tubing, metal rods/extrusions, fragile instruments and glass products during shipping, handling and storage. UCrate’s seamless U-shape creates channels that fit snugly together to create a sturdy, environmentally friendly way to ship products. UCrate is the perfect packaging material for long and narrow products.

UCrate packaging is made out of lightweight and durable materials that provide a smooth laminated surface that is impact resistance, offers scuff protection and stackability. The lightweight design of UCrate makes its impact on load weight cost effective. UCrate offers a clean, light weight option for damage prevention. UCrate is cleaner than wood, is easier to load and is more stackable than tubes, and provides better impact resistance and scuff protection than corrugated materials.

UCrate's unique design provides products with beam strength while providing shock absorption capabilities. UCrate offers a savings in labor, freight and space over other alternatives.

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