Packaging Cost Savings: Low-Density Polypropylene Sheet Foam

An online grocer was needing a solution that was alternative to his current non-environmentally friendly sheet foam. Microguard polypropylene sheet foam has a high coefficient of friction and lightweight properties that protect products. Being strong and resilient material, polypropylene sheet foam provides cushioning at an eco-friendly, and cost effective alternative to what the current solution was for our grocer.

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Company receives multiple environmental complaints regarding packaging for the shipments for certain products.

  • Online grocer company serving the New York metro area starts looking for an alternative sheet foam used to wrap bananas.
  • The alternative must be able to keep bananas from bruising while still being environmentally safe.

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Switch from Astro-foam to Microguard®

  • Microguard® provides excellent cushioning for the shipment of fragile products such as bananas.
  • Microguard® also meets the environmental needs and responsibilities of the company because of its strong sustainability position.
  • The company now has an excelling talking point to promote its environmental stance back to its customers.

Properties of Low-Density Polypropylene Sheet Foam:

Microguard is a low-density polypropylene sheet foam featuring three stock sizes. This green packaging foam is manufactured with 40% less resin than the same thickness in polyethylene and is lighter weight. The highlights of this sustainable products are:

  • High coefficient of friction provides amazing protection for easily scratched finishes.
  • Excellent vapor transmission.
  • High melting point, making it uniquely suited to handle parts which may reach elevated temperatures.
  • Recyclable and photodegradable.

For more information on IPS Packaging, stories of cost savings and success, call 800.277.7007 or contact our Sales team.

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