Packaging Equipment Cost Savings: Ergopack Hand Pack Station

For customers looking to increase handpack productivity, the efficient and durable, Ergopack, is an ergonomic solution. One of our customers was looking for a new solution for hand packing glue. IPS chose the Ergopack for its features, including but not limited to:

  • Hands-free indexing system
  • Easy load case magazine
  • Heavy duty welded framework
  • Stainless stell contact parts
  • Lockout/tagout safety
  • Allen Bradley PLC controlled
  • No-tool changeovers
  • Right/Left Hand Execution

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A company was searching for the best way to pack their plastic bottles of glue. 1-1/4 oz to 16 oz bottles; 110 ppm/18.3 cpm.

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The company switched to the high speed, 4 person, Ergopack Hand Pack Station with hotmelt bottom sealer. The machine also has extended power magazine and 32" product conveyor. They were thoroughly happy with the results.

The Ergopack and Expresspack are unique in the industry and the perfect solutions for handpacking the widest range of products. Ideal for food packing applications requiring inspection before packing, packing products of variable sizes where total automation is impractical, or applications where more than a stand alone case erector is required. The Ergopack® is unlike any other manual packaging system in the world. We created a system that seamlessly integrates a case erector, handpack station, and sealer into a compact and cost effective workcell. Our intelligent hands-free indexing system places cases and product at an optimal position for the operator. This innovative case and product delivery system minimizes reach and wrist movement, reducing the threat of repetitive motion injuries.

For a return on investment (ROI) analysis, please call 800.277.7007 or contact our Sales team.

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