Packaging Cost Savings: Reducing Costs by Reducing Waste

A customer was having a problem with tabbing down the end of their manufactured rolls of vinyl. They were rolling their manufactured product into rolls. The finished rolls were 156” or 196” long and 9” in diameter. They were using a 156” (or 196”) piece of standard double stick tape along the edge of the roll to prevent it from unwinding. Their problem was that the double stick tape that they were using was too aggressive. When their customers began to unroll the vinyl, the tape would partially adhere to the end of the roll and partially to the vinyl on the body of the roll, about 30” in from the end. The customers were forced to cut away at least 30” of material, which caused them major concern.

Taking a simple look at your operation and cutting your wasteful material can be dramatic savings for your bottom line.

IPS tested numerous double coated tapes from various manufacturers. The solution came from selecting a tape with a differential adhesive. This is a double coated tape with two levels of adhesion. One side has a high adhesion which would go on the very edge of the roll. The other side was a lower adhesion which would be placed against the body of the roll. The solution was perfect. After they started using the tape with the differential adhesive, their customers could unwind the roll and the tape would always stick to the end only, so the waste was only about 2” of vinyl.

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A manufacturer of vinyl rolls was losing 30 inches of product due to the double sided tape they were using.

  • Tape was too aggressive and would tear off sections of product
  • Had to throw away some product thus losing money
  • Returns up due to unsatisfied customers

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Switch to a double sided tape with two levels of adhesion

  • Differential adhesive sticks only to edge of product, not body
  • Far less returns
  • Customers now satisfied with product

Since switching to the differential adhesive tape, the customer has saved thousands of dollars annually on cost and labor.

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 800.277.7007 or email our Sales team.

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