Why Green is the Way to Go

A company that makes industrial shipping cases for use in electronics, aerospace, and the military was in need of improving their foam recyclability efforts drastically. The company was looking to recycle all of the foam scrap it generated in a cost-effective way. With the help of different pieces of equipment to create precision inserts from the planks of foam at hand, the company was looking to take all foam scraps and recycle them into better solutions.

Recycling foam planks has been an issue for quite some time. Shipping scrap generally costs more than the actual value of the load. Overall, the company at hand was preventing 40,000 pallet loads of used foam from entering landfills. This cost-effective solution to compacting proved to be the solution worth having for their green corporate initiatives.

A company that makes industrial shipping cases for use in electronics, aerospace, and the military was in need of improving their foam recyclability efforts drastically.

  • Needing to recycle foam scrap cost effectively
  • Needing to improve overall sustainability

IPS Packaging offered an eco-friendly recycled sheet foam packing option to the company in order to help their foam production line in the future.

  • Provided a cost effective solution for company's needs
  • Use of recycled sheet foam
  • Improved sustainability

IPS Packaging offered an eco-friendly recycled sheet foam packing option to the company in order to help their foam production line in the future. The recycled sheet foam packaging is a state of the art protective sheath that provides options to its consumers. This foam resists scratches and damage while protecting the environment. It is versatile and engineered to fit the needs of the electronics and appliances industry.

With superb cushioning, void-fill, interleaving, and surface protection, this sheet foam provided a cost-effective solution for the company’s packing needs.

Features and Benefits of Foam Packaging are as follows:



Made with at least 15% recycled pre-consumer content converted into   highly effective recycled sheet foam. Recycled sheet foam addresses end-user environmental concerns,   lessens dependence on virgin raw materials.
Provides high cushioning, compression strength, flexibility and   resilience. Recycled sheet foam packaging provides excellent cushioning and   energy absorption over broad long ranges; easy to use and reuse.
Environmentally sensitive recycled sheet foam packing solutions at no   extra cost. Customers receive the same quality products they are accustomed to,   while positively impacting the environment.

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 888-922-1622 or contact our Sales team.

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