Friday afternoons are always so hard. You want to be home, but you're stuck at the office. Why not take a few minutes and peruse some #FridayFunFacts brought to you by IPS Packaging, your one-stop packaging shop? (Sorry, but you know I had to throw a little shameless promotion in there because I wouldn't be doing MY job if I didn't.)
Friday Fun Fact #1: IKEA is obsessed with their packaging. A really interesting article came across my desk this week about IKEA, my all-time favorite furniture store and their obsession with packaging. Considering my obsession with all things Swedish thanks to that crazy store that my husband introduced me to 4 years ago (and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo book series), OF COURSE I had to write about it. Check it out here.
Friday Fun Fact #2: No matter how progressive we think we are, deep down we've still got that same old neanderthal mindset we've always had. See what I mean? Food always brings out the most primitive aspects of our psyches.
Friday Fun Fact #3: I don't know about you, but on Friday evenings, a nice bottle of wine sounds perfect. What about if that bottle of wine was upside down? OK, maybe not the bottle, but the labeling. I'm definitely one who buys her wine based on the label (and, yes, I will unabashedly admit that I usually choose a book by its cover, as well).
Friday Fun Fact #4: Did you know that Wednesday was Back to the Future day? If you didn't, were you awake at all that day? Pepsi did some great marketing by a very limited release of bottles that were the same as the ones from the movie.
Friday Fun Fact #5: (OK, one more shameless plug before my work day ends; I gotta keep the bosses happy, after all.) IPS Packaging has written and released three eBooks on different aspects of the product automation process: stretch wrappers, case sealers, and foam-in-place cushioning. For more information and to download the free eBooks, click the links and take a few minutes to geek out on our expansive product knowledge. You needed something to read this weekend anyway, didn't you?