Packaging for the Millennial generation

In 2014, there were more 22 year olds than any other age group in the United States.

That is TERRIFYING.  Because, I don't know about you, but I remember when I was 22.  And having 4.7 million of them running around is nothing short of semi-apocolyptic (unless you think of the 4.2 million 16 year olds that are joining us on the roadways...).The Millennial Generation is taking over.

The Millennial generation (those born between 1980 and 1999) is the most populous generation today, meaning that if you're not thinking of how to better sell, market, and package for them - you're dead in the water.  And the fact of the matter is that they either are or are well on their way to being the ones that are running the companies you're most likely working with and buying from.

So, where does that put you when you start thinking about packaging your products for the most populous generation?

We've talked previously about the continued massive growth of online shopping and the Millennials and Gen Zers will definitely keep that trend going.  Everything will come down to packaging it right, especially when your branding will spend more time on the front steps of their homes or apartment buildings than it will on the shelves of a brick-and-mortar store.

1. Offer limited-run retail packaging.

Limited-run packaging helps break through the retail clutter by creating a sense of scarcity.  Creating a demand for a limited edition package makes those of the instant gratification Millennial Generation want to buy.

Consider this: yesterday (10/21/2015) was marketed as "Back to the Future Day" since it's the day that Marty McFly travels to in the future in Back to the Future II.  So, Pepsi took full advantage; by offering limited edition runs of the Pepsi bottle created for the movie, 30 years ago, Pepsi created a massive demand for a product that anyone can get at their local convenience store.

They charged $20 a bottle AND created so much demand that they have to do another run because of the backlash of consumers who weren't able to get the limited edition bottle.

2. Make your packaging sustainable.

Sustainable packaging marks a key trend moving the industry—partly thanks to millennials’ desire for eco-friendly products…and it’s the right thing to do.  But, you're more likely to grab the attention of a Millennial if they know that your packaging is easily recyclable, bio-degradable, or if you've significantly decreased the amount of it.

3. Tell them what they want to hear.

If your packaging and processes are earth-conscious, you need to tell shoppers! Be visibly sustainable. Or, if a percentage of sales are donated to a charity or cause, be sure to highlight that in your design. The Millennial generation wants to have a positive impact on the world. If buying your product makes the world a better place, then it’s a win-win.  And, remember, they're willing to buy products (and packaging!) at a premium because of their "eco-friendly" qualities.

4. Make them want to keep/reuse packaging.The Millennial Generation loves to reuse packaging.

Millennials who love a product’s packaging don’t want to throw it away. If they like it, they’ll keep it and find a way to reuse it storage or decoration in their homes.

5. Make the experience shareable.

Social media is king.  And today we're sharing an astonishing 1.8 BILLION photos on social media each day.  Think of all the pictures of your packaging that could be floating around the internet right now.

Telling a story and engaging the customers is how we bring them into brand loyalty, but letting them tell their own story may hold even more sway.  Social sharing is booming, and those of the digital-savvy millennial generation love sharing good experiences online. Having packaging that is exciting, unique, creative, and reusable makes it more likely that a buyer will take a photo and share it with their friends.

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