UPDATE (12/22/2015): The "Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015" (PATH Act) has been passed by both the House and Senate and will be signed into law - expanding the Section 179 deduction limit to $500,000. Read more.
Taxes. Ugh. One of the most dreaded words in the English language. Even Benjamin Franklin understood our plight when he said, "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." And so, every April
15th comes with much trepidation.
If you're in need of a tax deduction for 2015, it might be a little too late to have a kid or two , but it's not too late to purchase packaging equipment!
Did you know that the US government is offering a Small Business tax incentive on the purchase of new and used packagingequipment?
If you've been on the fence about whether or not to spend the money on packaging equipment, this is a great incentive that may push you over the fence in your decision because there is no telling what the landscape will look like next year as it relates to capital expenditures.
OK, so I readily admit that we are NOT accountants at IPS Packaging (nor do we even play them on TV). We are packaging experts and aficionados, so please consult your company's tax professional before you make your decision solely on what this blog says.
- 2015 Deduction Limit = $25,000
This deduction is good on new and used equipment, as well as off-the-shelf software. This limit is only good for 2015, and the equipment must be financed/purchased and put into service by the end of the day, 12/31/2015. - 2015 Spending Cap on equipment purchases = $200,000
This is the maximum amount that can be spent on equipment before the Section 179 Deduction available to a company begins to be reduced on a dollar for dollar basis. This spending cap makes Section 179 a true “small business tax incentive”.
IPS Packaging offers access to a wide variety of packaging equipment, including stretch wrappers, case sealers and erectors, foam-in-place systems, autobaggers, and void fill. We've created a library of eBooks to
help you better understand the benefits and cost saving potential of these equipment pieces, including how you can see a complete ROI realization, typically, in less than 1 year.
For additional information, click on the links above to get our eBooks and start learning how packaging equipment can help you save time and money on a daily basis, but now it can help you save money at tax time.
Now that sounds like a win-win in my book!