Rice Bowls for Orphaned Children

A non-profit organization that raises money for hungry, orphaned children was seeking to redesign their packaging in an effort to increase awareness about the organization and boost funds. The non-profit company ships piggy banks in the shape of rice bowls to churches and schools around the nation, raising funds for charity. Once the bowls are filled, the money is sent back to the non-profit organization and is used for feeding hungry children around the world.

In an attempt to make things fun, the president of the company hosted a challenge to make every packaging material fun, educational, and rewarding. Because the organization originated out of Spartanburg, SC, they decided to choose IPS Packaging as the company to help them re-brand and redesign their packaging.

Once the IPS Packaging specialist saw the organization’s old shipping box, he knew that he had a wonderful opportunity to redesign their packaging. The old box was white and sported the old company logo on each side of the box. The company’s website was located on the top of the box. To make the box stronger and more durable, the IPS Packaging specialist knew that he must create the box top with a smaller dimension. In addition, IPS chose to use a corrugated craft sheet instead of a white box to help keep the box in top shape upon arriving at its destination.

A non-profit organization that raises money for hungry, orphaned children was seeking to redesign their packaging in an effort to increase awareness about the organization and boost funds.

  • Boring packaging
  • Old shipping box
  • Weak box
  • Non-creative and non-innovative packaging

IPS Packaging redesigned and rebranded their packaging.

  • Double profits reported
  • Stronger, more durable box
  • New, redesigned shipping box
  • Fun, creative design on outside of box

The best part about IPS Packaging redesigning and re-branding for the non-profit company was that they did it all for less money than before! To make the box fun, educational, and rewarding, we wrapped a world map around two sides, and marked the eight countries where we work!

In the past two months, since IPS Packaging redesigned and re-branded their packaging, the non-profit organization has seen double profits! But even better than that, the non-profit company is feeding more kids!

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 888.922.1622 or contact our Sales team.

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