Are you ready to meet The One?  Guaranteed to change your life

Are you looking for the perfect partner?  One who works with you, who helps you to become successful?  The one who isn't high maintenance and wants nothing more than to take care of your needs?

Don't worry: I have The One for you!

Meet Maxwell, Smartbagger's new Intelligent Interface from Intellipack.  Foam-in-place eBook CTAThe Maxwell™ system offers the same reliable foam-in-place packaging performance with a more powerful user interface, giving users more control and customization options.

By easily adapting to your specific needs, Maxwell provides the control and metrics for data analysis, ensuring that the results are always the same.

  • Touchscreen interface that is easy to navigate and can be personalized to meet diverse customer needs
  • Customizable preferences and access levels by user
  • Virtually unlimited bar-coding ability and preset bag options for companies with diverse packaging needsMaxwell Foam-in-Place UI
  • Easily send the same equipment settings to multiple SmartBagger machines within a facility
  • Customize the system for users by adding instructions with photos or videos, showing how to package items for the best protection
  • Generate detailed reporting
  • SMART modes for energy conservation and self-cleaning events. (This function is great for scheduling cleaning during breaks, lunch, or in between shifts to maximize productivity)

Like any good business partner, Maxwell also provides the data to allow companies to monitor and measure key performance metrics like consumption, cost per pack or packer and machine performance.  Never before has such granular information been available.

Foam-in-place packaging can help prevent damage during shipment.Learn more about foam-in-place packaging by downloading our free, newly revised eBook.  With stats and data about what customizable foam-in-place packaging can offer your facility, this eBook is the exactthing you were looking for to help you combat the all too common damage issue facing most shippers today.

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