Just about every person across the nation has used some sort of consumer packaged good before. No matter where you live or work, you’ve almost definitely purchased or handled one of these commonplace products. Frequently referred to as CPGs, fast moving consumer goods, or FMCGs, consumer packaged goods are items that can be found in homes, offices, stores, and more all over the world.But what exactly are consumer packaged goods?Simply enough, these versatile items are low-cost products that tend to sell pretty quickly. This broad category can include products such as non-perishable foods and beverages, paper products like Kleenex or toilet paper, cosmetics, over-the-counter medications, cleaning supplies, and other household goods. Though CPGs have been popular necessities for many years, our lives have changed quite dramatically over the past few decades, which is why it’s necessary to examine CPG packaging in the modern world.
Consumer Habits Today
We’ve all seen the world change in many ways, both good and bad, throughout the entire 21st century. Some of those changes have come during just the last few years alone. Most recently, our living and shopping habits have changed significantly in the United States due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. While these alterations were certainly unexpected, some of the impacts will likely last for many years to come. One major result is that we see more and more people working from home rather than in an office, as well as more commonly opting for at-home or socially distanced hobbies and activities. This means that people of all ages and demographics are staying in more often, which results in a dramatic shift in our spending habits.
CPG Packaging and How We Spend
Along with this dramatic shift in our daily lives and activities has come a considerable change in how and where American consumers spend their money, especially when it comes to consumer packaged goods. Staying in more often means that people are making fewer side trips to the gas station or coffee shop and even opting for frequent home deliveries of products they once left the house to purchase, such as groceries or home furnishings. In fact, data now shows that U.S. adults have doubled their spending on online groceries in the last year alone. It also means that shoppers need more in-home essentials than they ever did before, because along with increased amounts of time in the house comes an increased need for cleaning products, food for homemade meals, pet supplies, and more. Online orders in all kinds of industries are up and a September 2020 Gallup poll found that approximately 2/3rd of all new remote workers in the United States hope to continue working from home after the pandemic is over, meaning these trends are likely to keep going for much, much longer than originally anticipated.
How CPG Packaging Fits into Today’s Trends
In order to keep up with the modern world and maintain profits, companies in all industries must pivot to meet the expectations of changing trends and habits, and consumer packaged goods are no exception. Throughout its lengthy history, CPG packaging has already come a long way. Today, the pivot for those in the CPG and FMCG industry means focusing on ecommerce. In addition to utilizing CPG packaging supplies for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, businesses in the CPG verticalshould place an emphasis on creating the right packaging experience for ecommerce customers purchasing supplies for their individual homes.However, it is important to keep in mind that shipping directly to consumers is much different than sending full pallet loads to retailers. This means using new types of packaging supplies to ship smaller quantities directly to your consumers. Some examples of the type of materials you may need include bubble or poly mailers, corrugated boxes, air pillows, bubble film, and other varieties of void fill.Ensuring that your products arrive to your customers undamaged and in perfect condition is essential to maintaining a lasting relationship with them and encouraging them to come back to your online business next time they run low on paper towels or disinfecting wipes.
The Future of CPG Packaging
No one should be surprised if current trends continue on in the same manner for at least the next few years. Many people enjoy spending more time at home and away from the crowds or are at least trying to save money and reduce spending in an uncertain economic climate. Ensuring that your CPG packaging accommodates both traditional sales methods as well as newer interests and trends helps you maintain both your profits and customer loyalty. Not sure how to get started? Contact our expert team of packaging specialists today for assistance with all of your CPG packaging needs.
Just about every person across the nation has used some sort of consumer packaged good before. No matter where you live or work, you’ve almost definitely purchased or handled one of these commonplace products. Frequently referred to as CPGs, fast moving consumer goods, or FMCGs, consumer packaged goods are items that can be found in homes, offices, stores, and more all over the world.But what exactly are consumer packaged goods?Simply enough, these versatile items are low-cost products that tend to sell pretty quickly. This broad category can include products such as non-perishable foods and beverages, paper products like Kleenex or toilet paper, cosmetics, over-the-counter medications, cleaning supplies, and other household goods. Though CPGs have been popular necessities for many years, our lives have changed quite dramatically over the past few decades, which is why it’s necessary to examine CPG packaging in the modern world.
Consumer Habits Today
We’ve all seen the world change in many ways, both good and bad, throughout the entire 21st century. Some of those changes have come during just the last few years alone. Most recently, our living and shopping habits have changed significantly in the United States due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. While these alterations were certainly unexpected, some of the impacts will likely last for many years to come. One major result is that we see more and more people working from home rather than in an office, as well as more commonly opting for at-home or socially distanced hobbies and activities. This means that people of all ages and demographics are staying in more often, which results in a dramatic shift in our spending habits.
CPG Packaging and How We Spend
Along with this dramatic shift in our daily lives and activities has come a considerable change in how and where American consumers spend their money, especially when it comes to consumer packaged goods. Staying in more often means that people are making fewer side trips to the gas station or coffee shop and even opting for frequent home deliveries of products they once left the house to purchase, such as groceries or home furnishings. In fact, data now shows that U.S. adults have doubled their spending on online groceries in the last year alone. It also means that shoppers need more in-home essentials than they ever did before, because along with increased amounts of time in the house comes an increased need for cleaning products, food for homemade meals, pet supplies, and more. Online orders in all kinds of industries are up and a September 2020 Gallup poll found that approximately 2/3rd of all new remote workers in the United States hope to continue working from home after the pandemic is over, meaning these trends are likely to keep going for much, much longer than originally anticipated.
How CPG Packaging Fits into Today’s Trends
In order to keep up with the modern world and maintain profits, companies in all industries must pivot to meet the expectations of changing trends and habits, and consumer packaged goods are no exception. Throughout its lengthy history, CPG packaging has already come a long way. Today, the pivot for those in the CPG and FMCG industry means focusing on ecommerce. In addition to utilizing CPG packaging supplies for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, businesses in the CPG verticalshould place an emphasis on creating the right packaging experience for ecommerce customers purchasing supplies for their individual homes.However, it is important to keep in mind that shipping directly to consumers is much different than sending full pallet loads to retailers. This means using new types of packaging supplies to ship smaller quantities directly to your consumers. Some examples of the type of materials you may need include bubble or poly mailers, corrugated boxes, air pillows, bubble film, and other varieties of void fill.Ensuring that your products arrive to your customers undamaged and in perfect condition is essential to maintaining a lasting relationship with them and encouraging them to come back to your online business next time they run low on paper towels or disinfecting wipes.
The Future of CPG Packaging
No one should be surprised if current trends continue on in the same manner for at least the next few years. Many people enjoy spending more time at home and away from the crowds or are at least trying to save money and reduce spending in an uncertain economic climate. Ensuring that your CPG packaging accommodates both traditional sales methods as well as newer interests and trends helps you maintain both your profits and customer loyalty. Not sure how to get started? Contact our expert team of packaging specialists today for assistance with all of your CPG packaging needs.