Guide: We've got #PackagingKnowledge and #NoTimeForTheHardSell

In a business landscape that is always about the hard sell, it's time for someone to just provide the knowledge you need to make the decision yourself without the traditional pressure of salesmanship.

One of the hardest things for a distributor to do is not sell.  That's our life's blood: it's how we make our money, pay our employees, and feed our families.  But part of what makes IPS different is that we're not just about undercutting the distributor down the street to sell you a commodity at the lowest price.  We are here as a partner in productivity, meaning that it's more #PackagingKnowledge Stretch Wrap Guideimportant to us to inform you and give you the best of our decades of knowledge to make the best decision about your business.  Because we may be experts in packaging, but you're the expert in your business.

To that end, we've developed a page that offers you #PackagingKnowledge about all things stretch wrap.  Whether you need to know where to start or if you're comparing hand v. machine wrap, we've compiled our knowledge into one place to give you the freedom to do your own research.  Content, video, images, and in-depth explanations are just some of the things that you'll find on the #PackagingKnowledge: Stretch Wrap guide.

We hope it gives you knowledge that you didn't have before.

And armed with that knowledge, you can make the right decision for your business.  Maybe that decision will include us; maybe it won't.  But at the end of the day, you'll have taken the first step of your journey.  And, truly, that's the most important part.

#PackagingKnowledge: Stretch Wrap

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