Guide: The Definitive Strapping Guide is the newest #PackagingKnowledge guide

Knowledge is power. And the right knowledge about strapping puts the power in your hands.

Did you know that with the dramatic increase in the cost of steel, many companies are finding that plastic or poly strapping provides the same performance at a fraction of the cost?

Most of these companies are saving, on average, 78%.

Achieving dramatic annual savings with seemingly small changes in materials or application isn’t something that typically happens overnight. But with over 40 years experience partnering with a wide variety of businesses to identify and implement strategic programs, we’ve seen such high impact success achieved.

Through our client collaborations we’ve accrued hundreds of real world studies with valuable comparison data. And because we believe it’s our responsibility to ensure existing and potential clients have easy access to core strapping data and concepts, we’ve compiled this fact sheet as a foundation.

It's more than enough to get started. And, honestly, that's the most important part of the journey.

The only way to learn how to ensure you’re doing the best you can for your business is understanding the fundamentals: knowing the different types of  strapping available and taking into account the advantages or disadvantages of each; determining whether hand or machine application works best for your needs; and how to choose the right strap and machine for your application.ips-stock-8906

With that in mind, we've created The Definitive Strapping Guide, the newest #PackagingKnowledge guide, that will give you all the knowledge that you need to make the right decisions about how, when, where, and what kind of  strapping to use for your business.

And we know that, when you're ready, you'll call us and let one of our Product Specialists help walk you through the rest of the process.

Knowledge is power.  #PackagingKnowledge gives you the power to make the right decisions for your business.

Check out our latest #PackagingKnowledge guide: The Definitive Strapping Guide.  With distinctions between steel strapping and poly strapping, as well as information on the different application methods of each, this #PackagingKnowledge guide will have you well on your way before you pick up the phone.

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