Ever heard of wrap rage? Apparently, it is a real thing and it actually sends thousands of people to the emergency room every year (I'm imagining that conversation with the intake nurse now... and I'll admit that I'm chuckling a little).
So, our Content Specialist wrote about it on her LinkedIn blog because, honestly, she couldn't believe it was a real thing either. A little research and it's pretty amazing the stuff that she found out.
Wrap rage. It’s not the on-going battle between Kanye West and … well … whoever it may happen to be this week. It’s something we can all relate to; it’s something we’ve all experienced at least once in our lives (and if you’re a parent more than likely more times than you’d like to count, especially on birthdays and Christmas).
It’s that unexplainable fury that overtakes you as you try to open the plastic packaging housing the product that you bought... [Read more]
Packaging design is supposed to be a positive part of the product; not only does it protect the product, it tells a story and creates loyal customers. But when 80% of consumers "expressed anger, frustration, or outright rage" when asked about plastic packaging, there's something that's got to give.
What do you think about Wrap Rage? Is it real or imagined? And, more importantly, have you ever found yourself in this position?
As a national packaging distributor, IPS Packaging is here to help you help your customers avoid Wrap Rage. We can show you the latest packaging products that help protect without causing irreparable bodily or psychological harm.