Packaging analysis: can your time be better allocated?

Are problematic packaging operations costing you consumer satisfaction and validity to your on-time guarantees?

Are you concerned with a delay in new product rollouts due to packaging uncertainties? Would it be attractive if new product development could be handed to a professional who would analyze each concern (unpredictability, damage and design) and from those assessments create a strategic approach complete with detailed recommendations? A package engineer may be just your solution!

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Employment of someone who is proficient in equipment layout evaluation and design changes are vital to the reduction of personnel and increases overall productivity." w="300" h="280" align="right" image="http://www.ipack.com/solutions/wp-content/uploads/packageengineer.png"]

Innovative packaging analysis and process adaptation is derived through professional expertise and experience. Employment of someone outside of the organization who is proficient in both equipment layout and design alteration and packaging is vital to both reduction of spend and the increase in productivity.

Need the formal justification to climb the mountain of capital investment?

A seasoned package engineer can make this an easier solution than you may think.

A package engineer will research both commercially and custom available equipment fit for your specific application. Is space optimization a concern? Evaluation of both space stipulation coupled with the corresponding commodities your application will require (as well as an analysis detailing the ergonomics of such) will be surveyed and reviewed with your team prior to any final decision making. Cost saving initiatives encompass five aspects within your operation: space, materials, labor, damage and freight. When analyzing and reviewing your current workflow, each of those categories will be addressed.

Need a profitable justification to climb onto the mountain of capital investment?

Create your own tax break in 2013 - packaging solutions validated!

On December 17, 2010, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 (2010 Tax Relief Act). The 2010 Tax Relief Act extends individual and capital gains/dividend tax cuts for all taxpayers for two years. Under Section 179, businesses spending less than $2,000,000 a year on qualified equipment may write off up to $500,000 in 2013. Write offs cannot be more than your taxable income, of course. There is a 50% Bonus Depreciation on qualified equipment acquired and placed in service through December 31, 2013, and time is quickly running out!

Ease of packaging analysis and project implementation going into 2014

In addition to assisting with equipment design and flow recommendations, package engineers will ascertain packaging volumes and rates for the various steps within your process. They will work with your team to define the correct packaging products needed to ensure product safety and marketability. Block flow diagrams, prototyping, product testing and retail POP are just a few of the reports that will contribute distinct landmarks in the discovery and implementation of your packaging solution.

Do any (or all) of these packaging analysis components suggest a solution to troublesome packaging dilemmas? Why waste your time - and money - when packaging analysis can be - and is - as easy as looking to a package engineer? The answer is in the details.

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