Pregis Inspyre: A new protective packaging brand

Air pillow protective packaging with color; Pregis Inspyre

Pregis launches new Inspyre protective packaging brand

Pregis LLC, a leader in protective packaging materials is launching Pregis Inspyre. A new protective packaging brand full of color options to help improve the customer experience. The unboxing craze is as popular as ever, and this allows brands to introduce a pop of color into their customers' experience.

Pregis AirSpeed HC Inspyre

First up in the new Inspyre lineup for Pregis; its 12-inch wide, low-density, polyethylene hybrid cushioning packaging film. You're probably familiar with the Airspeed HC Versa from Pregis. To start, the stock option is water blue, but a variety of custom colors will be possible. This is one of the more popular air pillow packaging systems out in the market.

Pregis Inspyre Custom colors available to match your brand

The release of the new Pregis Inspyre brand will include a charitable donation. A portion of its water blue stock product sales will be donated to an organization that Pregis supports. Inspyre gives your brand the chance to connect with customers on a physical level. The unboxing experience is part of your brand's image and this new colorful protective packaging lets you do just that.

Inspyre Benefits

From Pregis:

  • Curate the ultimate unboxing experience
  • Match your brand palette to your packaging
  • Consumers are more likely to share and recommend products to friends, family and social media if they are wrapped in unique packages

Consumer Preferred:

  • Pregis Inspyre HC is perceived as premium packaging, adding value to your product
  • Consumers are more likely to make repeat purchases from eCommerce brands that use premium packaging
  • Proprietary square pattern offers a clean aesthetic consumers prefer
  • HC offers unrivaled cushioning protection
  • HC continues to rebound from compressions during the shipping cycle unlike other types of packaging

Inspyre by Pregis

See Also:

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