Perishable Items Packaging Protection

PF PalletTop has created a simple, cost-effective way to prevent potentially serious spoilage during shipping and storage of canned perishables.



The solution was developed for a perishables manufacturer that uses the increasingly common easy-open pop-top cans to package its product. The lids of these cans have a circular score around the perimeter next to the seam and a pull-tab that together eliminate the need for a can opener.

However, because the lid is scored to make it easy to pull open, it also is more prone to accidental punctures that break the vacuum seal. Even stress-caused pinholes invisible to the naked eye can ruin the product inside the can by letting in air that causes microbial growth.

The solution was to protect the top edge of the pallet loads by using a heavy-duty caliper of PF PalletTop with leg lengths that spanned the entire diameter of the cans.

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 800.277.7007 or email our Sales team.

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