Edgeboard: Ultimate Product Protection

A case study in protection

A large company that manufactures medical equipment was interested in finding a solution to their dilemma: medical equipment being damaged during shipping and handling. Medical equipment is expensive and can also be extremely heavy.  Realizing that any more damaged equipment would seriously cut back on profits, the company was prompted to implement a change quickly!


A manufacturing company was wasting valuable money and resources because  medical equipment was continually being damaged during transit.

  • Damaged medical equipment during shipping
  • Waste of money and valuable resources

Using cornerboard and edgeboard together created a sturdy, versatile framework; this allowed the manufacturing company to save money and continue to ship their products safely.

  • Use of edgeboard
  • Sturdy and versatile
  • Less damaged product and wasted resources

The manufacturing company contacted IPS Packaging and we suggested edgeboard. This packaging material can be placed on top of a load to help keep cornerboard stable. Utilizing both cornerboard and edgeboard together provides a doubly sturdy framework for your products. In addition, the strong corners provided help it withstand the heavy pressure of strapping and various other tie-down methods.

Edgeboard is an extremely strong yet versatile product that is ideal for a plethora of applications.

Other ways you can use edgeboard to your advantage are: utilizing two pieces together to create lids and trays for square or rectangular-shaped products. Also, a piece can be placed in the bottom of a box for added protection against sharp objects. Edgeboard is an extremely strong yet versatile product that is ideal for a plethora of applications.

See also:

Previous IPS Cornerboard Protects Against Transport Dangers
Next Edgeboard: Provides Protection for Printed Materials