Appliance Tape for Every Need

group of household appliances including refrigerator, oven, washing machine, and air conditioner on left in front of purple wall with white text reading appliance tape for every need on right

Appliance Tape for Every Need

From ovens and refrigerators to washing machines and air conditioners, household appliances are an essential element in any modern American home or business. While most individuals don’t give much thought to the effort it takes to get those appliances manufactured, constructed, and shipped from warehouses to retail stores or their homes, those who work in the industry understand that it isn’t always a simple feat. It takes a variety of specialized equipment and products, including the appropriate packaging supplies. Among these supplies are a multitude of different kinds of appliance tape. To help you understand what each type is designed to do, we’re covering each of the basic appliance tape categories.  

Filmic Tape 

Filmic tapes are a variety of appliance tape that can be recognized by a few unique characteristics. These include their impressive adhesion capabilities with plastics and other smooth surfaces like metal. In addition, they are flexible and able to secure themselves to odd angles with ease. On top of all this, a filmic tape will resist aging, extreme temperatures, shocks, and moisture. Here are just a few ways they can be used on appliances: 

  • To hold decorative trims in place 
  • To mount emblems, displays, and control panels 
  • To secure small parts 

Foam Tape

Similar to filmic tapes, foam tape is able to adhere very well to flat, smooth surfaces such as plastic, metal, glass, steel, or aluminum. Additionally, die cutting this variety of adhesive is simple and it can be handled easily thanks to its premium flexibility. Foam tape also offers a high bonding strength and excellent temperature resistance. The following are just some of the ways foam tape can be used in the appliance industry: 

  • To mount deco glass, control panels, and displays 
  • To mount decorative trims and reinforcement bars 

Strapping Tape 

Strapping tape is a specialized adhesive that is frequently used to protect appliances during transit. When utilized as an appliance tape, it offers a wide range of benefits. These include high strength bonds, stress resistance, and a high tensile strength that helps prevent rattling on bumpy rides. Strapping tape also brings with it no risk of tearing and will peel away cleanly when removed – even at low temperatures. Check out all the ways you can use strapping tape with appliances: 

  • To secure shelves, bins, and doors during transport 
  • To secure cooktops and other loose parts throughout shipping 

collection of appliance tape grouped on transparent background

Non-Woven Tape 

Another incredibly useful kind of appliance tape is non-woven tape. You can recognize non-woven tape by its distinct features, such as a high tack capability that helps it adhere sufficiently to metal and polystyrene surfaces. Non-woven tape also boasts an easy lift, making it simple to use and handle. When it comes to appliances, here are just some of the way you may see it utilized: 

  • To mount evaporators and vacuum insulation panels 
  • To mount membrane switches 

Aluminum Foil Tape 

Aluminum foil tape is a unique adhesive with some premium capabilities that make it exceptional for use with appliances. These include the fact that it provides high bonding strength on metallic surfaces, it offers an efficient unwind, and that it is equipped with a flexible backing. Aluminum foil appliance tape is particularly useful in these situations: 

  • To adhere coils within an appliance 

Masking Tape 

Industry professionals and laypeople alike are sure to recognize masking tape, but what most don’t realize is that it makes for an exceptional appliance tape. Masking tape is highly versatile and offers sufficient bonding with residue-free removal. Better yet, it’s even resistant to aging. Some commonplace applications for masking tape in the appliance world can be found right here: 

  • To protect surfaces during transit and storage 

Appliance Tape for All Appliance Needs 

No matter what kind of household or commercial appliances your company deals in, these versatile appliance tapes can help. They’ll keep your products secure and looking great, which means that your customers will stay happy and continue working with your business for their appliance needs. Contact our sales team today to get started on finding the perfect appliance tape for your needs!

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