Case Study: How installing a case sealer saved $100K

It seems odd to think that putting money out could save one hundred thousand dollars.

But this case study shows that a simple couple of adjustments to automation and the implementation of a case sealer shows exactly how it happened.

Check out our free eBook about automating the case sealing process.

Situation: For one company, business had doubled since they opened their doors, but they were still manually erecting, packing, sealing, and labeling boxes like they had done for many years.

Solution: A free on-site consultation generated an on-site demonstration that changed everything.  The customer’s skepticism with automation that had been performed by hand for years gave way to delight with the installation of three case sealers, each fitted with a case labeler.  Hand applied labels are also now a thing of the past, and boxes no longer had to be pre-made before filling and were sealed automatically.

  • Case Sealer Case StudyManual processes replaced with automation, saving money and improving efficiency
  • Space saving, as an area dedicated to making boxes is no longer required
  • 30% reduction in tape cost
  • 75% reduction in stretch film cost
  • Hand applied labels completely eliminated, replaced with ink jet printing
  • The 4 members of the 7 persons process has been redirected to more productive positions.

Analysis: A $26,000 investment in equipment resulted in $100,000 savings annually in labor costs.

  • By automating the case sealing portion of your packaging process, you’re got the potential to increase your throughput by 6 times.
  • Automation helps your operators spend 50% less time, per box, saving around 7 seconds per box. It doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up quickly.
  • With damage rates hovering around 10% for most shipping carriers, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your tape application is done properly. And most carriers cite improper tape application as one of the top reasons for damage.
  • A case sealer can process cases 600% faster than a person. That rapidity translate up and down the line, as well as to your bottom line.
  • Installation of a case sealer on your line reduces tape usage by up to 30% and it costs less too.
  • Savings on the purchase of more tape and dispensers could equal tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
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