When can a case erector or sealer bolster packaging productivity?

Do these packaging productivity issues sound familiar to you? If so, it might be time for a case erector or sealer.

A case erector and sealer can help you to reach optimum packaging productivity. For one company, the addition of a case erector or sealer resulted in increased productivity of 400% with a 300% staffing reassignment.

Every growing company experiences it: the product demand is growing and suddenly the existing floor space isn't sufficient.  The productivity, efficiency, and accuracy of your operations are not in line with expectations.  You can't keep up and that means that you can't compete.

So... what do you do? Have you thought about looking into automating some aspect of your packaging process?

If any of these sound familiar, it's time to talk:

  • Packaging lines are not meeting production needs
  • Inconsistency in your packaging quality
  • Product damages
  • High operating expenses
  • Lack of floor space
  • Packaging waste
  • Insufficient labor force and/or high labor rates

The speed and accuracy of your packaging process is principal to both consumer demand and overall bottom line spend.  Manual packaging operations may be consuming profitable time and resources.

Consider the following case study.  By exploring packaging automation through the addition of a case erector and case sealer, productivity increased 400% with a 300% staffing reassignment.

Case Erector and Sealer:  A Case Study in Successful Packaging Automation

The Problem: The customer was packaging hardware into three different sizes of poly bags:  8" x 10", 3"x6", and 7.5" x 7.5."  In order to pack the products, they were using 3 separate lines with about 5 operators per line.

The Goal: Case packing automation, weight checks ensuring consistent per pack quantity control, and increased productivity.

The Solution: Installation of a case erector and sealer in the production line.

The Process:

  • Products are fed into the Bombay-style case packers via three powered in-feed conveyors.
  • Products are separated by a high-speed packing product conveyor before feeding a counting funnel.
  • The Bombay "door" is positioned below the counting funnel which is collecting the product.
  • The packer receives a signal and drops the product into the awaiting erected case which has been fed into the 3 case packers by a case erector.
  • When the carton is filled, the case count is verified by a check-weigher.
  • Each case receives a print and applied label pre-programmed with product info relative to that line.
  • The filled cases are sent into a top case sealer and sealed with adhesive tape.
  • The rate of production is 12 cases per minute.

The Results:

  • Productivity increased by 400%.
  • On-line staffing reduced by 300% (reassigned to other positions in the facility).

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 888.922.1622 or contact our Sales team.

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