Do I Need a Case Sealer?
Chances are high that you’ve used corrugated boxes both at work and in your home. At the very least, you’ve almost definitely seen them used. If your business ships products, especially a high volume of products, every day, then there’s a good likelihood that you might just use corrugated cartons and boxes to package your items. But at what point does the process of constructing that box, putting your goods inside, and then sealing it shut become too tedious? These activities may seem simple, but they often end up taking quite a bit of time when performed by hand. Furthermore, manual labor frequently results in wasted materials and inaccurate application.
How Can I Determine When to Add a Case Sealer?
One easy strategy to streamlining and improving this process is through packaging automation. More specifically, your boxing system can be dramatically augmented with the help of an automatic case sealer. Case sealers, which are also commonly referred to as a carton sealer, box sealer, or box tape machine, are a handy type of packaging equipment that do exactly as their name implies – seal boxes closed. These carton sealer machines apply tape directly to a corrugated case and ensure that it is secured tightly so that it won’t break open during shipping or handling. One major benefit is that the machine always knows the precise amount of tape to use, meaning that it will not waste unnecessary materials.
3M-Matic™ Side Belt Adjustable Case Sealer 8000a
Questions to Ask and Answer
If you’ve reached the point where you’re trying to determine if the time to purchase a case sealer has arrived, there are a few key questions you should ask yourself before making the final call.
- How many boxes does my company ship or use each day?
- Will we begin using more boxes in the near future?
- How many employees are involved in the carton sealing process?
- What kind of cartons does my business use most often?
- Are our products fragile? Do they weigh a lot? Are they oddly shaped?
- Do we use only one type of case or are they cartons of all different sizes?
- If we are able to produce more fully packaged boxes, is there enough demand to increase our output?
- Have many of our products been damaged or stolen during transit in the past? What caused the damage?
Examining your answers to each of these questions is a necessary step in your packaging automation decision making process. Shipping out many cartons every single day or the likelihood that you will in the future means that it may be time to add automation to your packaging line. Continuing with a manual labor-intensive system will only decrease your productivity from what it could be with the help of an automatic or semi-automatic case sealer.
The Downsides of Manual Packaging
The hand carton sealing process is time intensive and tends to waste materials. In general, a person can’t move as quickly as a machine and even if they do, they’ll lose quite a bit of quality and accuracy. Additionally, it’s human nature to overapply materials like tape in order to ensure that it stays tightly closed. An automatic box taping machine can be programmed to place exactly the right amount of tape required to keep that carton closed, without going overboard.

The Benefits of Case Sealing Automation
Think back on your answers to the questions posed above. If you find yourself leaning in the direction of adding a carton sealer to your packaging line, there are quite a few advantages that will come along with it. These include:
More Productivity: Packaging equipment like automatic case sealers can secure more boxes every single minute than can be accomplished by manual labor.
Less Material Waste: Machines don’t need to double- or triple-tape a box shut. They apply exactly the right amount every time.
Less Employee Injury: The repetitive motion required for placing tape onto multiple boxes can cause strain to a person’s neck, back, hands, and wrists. Automatic carton sealers do not experience the same problem, saving employees from pain and injury.
Less Product Damage: Correctly applied tape can really save the day. When poorly placed, tape can bust open during transit, causing products to spill, break, and end up entirely useless or lost. A carton sealing machine prevents these concerns by getting the right placement.
Reap the Rewards of Packaging Automation
Whether you choose to add in a random case sealer, a fully automatic carton sealing machine, a semi-automatic case sealer, or any other type of packaging equipment, you can soon reap the rewards of packaging automation. Contact our team today for any further details you may need, including recommendations on the best kind of case sealer for your operation and a free quote on packaging equipment.