Versatile protective packaging
Foam packaging is one of the most versatile protective packaging materials available that conforms to any product shape. These foam rolls come in a wide variety of sizes and can be custom cut to suit your packaging needs. Foam materials are great for protecting products such as dishes, glass, electronics, etc from shipping damage.
Non-perforated Foam packaging on a roll
Foam is one of the most versatile protective packaging materials available that conforms to any product shape. Helps prevent product scratching and marring, while supplying a small level of shock absorption.
- Roll Thickness: 1/32 in.
- Roll Size: 12 in. X 2000 ft.
- Rolls per Bundle: 6
Perforated Foam Packaging on a Roll
Perforated Polyethylene foam packaging is one of the most versatile protective packaging materials available that conforms to any product shape. These foam-packaging rolls are perforated into tear off sections for easier handling. Foam helps prevent product scratching and marring, while supplying a small level of shock absorption.
- Roll Thickness: 1/32 in.
- Roll Size: 12 in. X 2000 ft.
- Rolls per Bundle: 6
See also: