Custom approach to baby food packaging dilemma earns large win

A well‐known e‐commerce site for baby products was experiencing extremely high damage rates when shipping cases of glass baby food jars.

3216054212_212734f9aa_mTo address the problem, the customer tried Sealed Air’s FillTeck and the FP Novus system, both which required labor intensive wrapping and taping, and are prone to packer inconsistency and error.
To solve the problem, Pregis developed an innovative “open top” design. This cost‐effective solution virtually eliminated damage, while dramatically speeding the process and reducing labor. The one‐piece design features an inflated base connected to hinged endcaps.

The first orders were received in the Northeastern distribution center. The Pregis sales team quickly teamed up and presented to a sister DC on the West Coast. The custom designed solution was so well received in the West that we gained both the ChamberPak and A5000 business (displacing Sealed Air IB Express).

A third location in the Midwest is now considering the Pregis solution.

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