Foam in place improves performance, decreases damage for soap supplier

The supplier offers an extensive selection of soap and toiletry making products for everyone from the weekend hobbyist to high‐volume professionals. (Several of the products such as fragrance oils and flavorings are sold in glass bottles, requiring a higher level of protection.)

smartshotThe company had been using a table‐top FIP unit from Sealed Air to create a top protective pad and had been experiencing less‐than‐desirable service. Multiple issues included machine breakdowns, long (up to a week) service cycles and promises of a back‐up machine which never materialized. Sealed Air’s service and performance were receiving failing marks.

Additionally, the company had to keep an inventory of backup protective materials (EPS peanuts and other types) just so that order shipping didn’t come to a grinding halt during periods of malfunction. However, shipments that went out using the alternative materials typically had higher damage rates, further compounding the problem.

The time was right to present the prospective customer with a new FIP solution. Following the presentation, the decision maker was quickly sold on the features and benefits of the IntelliPack Smart Bagger and within a month of the first presentation, two units were already being used to fulfill orders.

The company uses six different shipper sizes to accommodate all of its custom orders. As a result, they liked the unit’s ability to program multiple bag sizes. The company also plans on taking advantage of the telemetry feature.

There were also two additional elements of the machine set up that positively impacted the operation.

The first is that the SmartBagger design enables two units to be placed back‐to‐back. This helps provide additional packaging station flexibility. Also, Pregis IntelliPack was able to place the chemical drums 50 feet away from the Smart Baggers which freed critical space next to the packing area. (The drums were placed in the warehouse and extra long hoses, suspended from the rafters, are used to convey the chemicals.)

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