Packaging Cost Savings: Furniture Guard Plus System

Damage is one of the most prevalent problems with our customers. One furniture customer was experiencing problems about damaged furniture on delivery. Clearly, this was impacting their bottom line costs. Therefore, IPS devised a solution that involved furniture guard plus and an astro sheeter to fix their problems.

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A furniture company started receiving complaints about damaged furniture upon delivery.

  • The company had been draping a non-woven material over the upholstered furniture and then covering it with a shrink bag.
  • The rubbing action of the non-woven material was causing upholstery abrasion during transit.
  • As a result, the company was incurring costly returns, repairs and damage to its reputation.

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Furniture Guard Plus coupled with Astro-Sheeter(R) system solved the damaged shipment problems.

  • FG101 liner’s high slip characteristics allows the material to move freely on the furniture’s surface, eliminating abrasion.
  • The outer film lamination offer puncture resistance and the middle foam layer provides the necessary cushioning.
  • The Furniture Guard Plus system cost more, however, the overall cost benefits by being able to eliminate damaged goods more than justified the packaging expenditure increase.

For a return on investment (ROI) analysis, please call 800.277.7007 or contact our Sales team.

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