Customers stretch wrap their products in order to get their merchandise to Point A to Point B with as little damage as possible, at the lowest, effective cost. We can evaluate a customers current stretch film usage and make sure they are using the most cost effective practices.
Criteria for Film Evaluations:
1. Pre-Stretch = Yield
2. Force-to-Load = Containment
3. Cut and Weight = Cost Per Load
Wrapping Standards and Savings:
Very few customers have established standards on how to wrap their products and even if there is a standard set, very few customers are wrapping to that standard. Although customers are promised film savings, most are not getting the savings that they should.
Lowest Cost Effectively Shipped:
1. Thicker Film 1. Lower Film Costs
2. Higher Force to Load = 2. Improved Productivity
3. Fewer Revolutions 3. Lower Labor Costs
Methods to Achieve "Lowest Total Cost":
Reduce Wraps - The objective of modifying the wrap pattern is to reduce the number of film revolutions without decreasing load containment. This technique offers the added benefit of decreasing the wrapping cycle time.
Down Gauge - A very high performance film is required to successfully implement this cost reduction technique. Film must provide the best levels of stretch, puncture resistance, cling and holding force in order for down-gauging to be possible. With the right film, down-gauging can greatly minimize film usage.
Up Gauge - The objective of up-gauging is to improve film utilization by increasing the pre-stretch percentage on the stretch wrapper. Up-gauging prevents the film from tearing at the new pre-stretch settings.
Pre-Stretched Film - Pre-stretched films are stretched close to their ultimate breaking point prior to being wound onto rolls. This mean that the film does not require as much stretching energy as the standard stretch film to accomplish the same wrapping force. Pre-stretched film consumption can be one half of that of traditional stretch films, allowing for vast cost savings.