When one thinks of the food and beverage industry, usually one of the more defining characteristics of a product is the package. A can of Coca Cola or bag of Lays potato chips are some of the more identifiable products within the food and beverage industries, and their prominence have little to do with the product itself and a lot to do with its container.
While the quality of a product in this industry certainly plays a huge role in its success, branding is also key. With Coca Cola for instance, the packaging is nothing too revolutionary, however it has become a prominent part of American history. This could be due in part to the fact that it is able to deliver in all of the essential elements of a strong package, while also being highly identifiable.
In the food and beverage industry, being able to achieve these two goals is essential given their frequency of use.
New trends
While polystyrene foam and single-wall paper cups have long been among the more common forms of packaging, plastic cups made from polypropylene and polyethylene trephthalate are becoming increasingly common. Also, these cups are being recycled in larger numbers.
On top of this, the material options for packaging in this sector are growing as well. Many companies are finding that different materials are making for better solutions depending on the nature of their product.
"FPI's Trends Report highlights how packaging innovates and adapts to the changing desires of the foodservice industry and consumers," said Lynn M. Dyer, the FPI president. "Environmental and economic pressures are creating a competitive landscape in which all supply chain partners ultimately benefit."
As the market continues to change and companies look to expand their bottom lines, it is likely that these trends will further shape the method in the food and beverage industries go about packaging their goods.