What is volatile corrosion inhibition?
Volatile corrosion inhibition (VCI) is a function of a combination of related factors:
- Chemicals used;
- Ratios of the chemicals in the formulation;
- Compatibility;
- Amount of chemical present (coat weight)
These factors do not work independent of each other, but are synergistic in making an effective VCI. For example, the best formulation in the world will not be able to provide the 3 to 5 molecule layer barrier on the metal surface if the amount of VCI present in the paper or film is too low (the coatweight). The metal will corrode in spite of the presence of a highly effective VCI formulation.
Why does IPS Packaging offer so many VCI formulations?
IPS Packaging's product line offers different VCI formulations and products to accomplish a broad range of protection requirements. Some companies only offer a "multi-metal" inhibitor. However, to make a multi-metal inhibitor, the formulation must contain a range of corrosion inhibitors some of which are not ferrous inhibitors. IPS Packaging does not believe in this "one product fits all" approach. We tailor our formulations to meet the specific needs of each manufacturer and to maximize product performance.
Why does IPS Packaging test for compatibility?
When a product is packaged in VCI, it frequently is not completely dry or "bare" of any chemical or chemical residue. In fact, metal parts frequently have oils or chemical residues on their surfaces. These residual chemicals may interact with chemicals in the VCI formulation. The result of incompatible chemical systems can be either attack of the metal or loss of the effectiveness of the corrosion protection.
Therefore, IPS Packaging always recommends testing for the compatibility of our recommended VCI formulation with the metal as it is going to be packaged. This ensures our product is compatible and will meet your expectations.
How long do IPS Packaging’s VCI products protect?
VCI will provide complete protection for years.
IPS Packaging offers a range of products to accommodate specific packaging requirements, from short term to long term, so you can get the corrosion protection you need.
Where should IPS Packaging’s VCI products be used?
IPS Packaging’s products should be used in any metal application where corrosion can occur. This includes in-process, while in storage, during transportation, in inventory and during export. Unprotected metals begin to corrode immediately so even JIT manufactured parts will benefit from the protection of IPS Packaging.
IPS Packaging offers the most comprehensive selection of protection in the industry. Whether your metal is steel, iron, zinc galvanized, cadmium, silver, brass, copper, lead, or virtually any other metal, IPS Packaging has a paper or film product which will give you total corrosion protection.