VCI Protection is a Function of:
- Which Metals are in need of protection.
- Corrosion inhibiting chemicals used and their effectiveness on the metals.
- Ratio of chemicals in the formulation.
- Amount of volatiler corrosion inhibitors on the paper or in the film.
- pH of the finished product.
- Water solubility and the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitor in the presence of moisture and/or high humidity.
- Natural, neutral kraft paper or polyethylene film used as the carrier for the VCI.
- The overall packaging design and the conditions expected during packing, shipping and storing.
Not all VCI’s are created equal and often, one VCI formulation that works under one set of conditions will not work under another. One has to take into account all aspects of the process, metals composition, packaging, storage and shipping conditions in order to select the right packaging media and VCI formulation. A large number of combinations are available from Daubert Cromwell and chances are we have one that will be effective in any specific application.
The following chart shows the demand for VCI in different applications:
Polyethylene film has its own unique properties as a packaging material
- Heat sealable
- Strong, stretchable
- Economical
- Great flexibility
- Highly water resistant
- Can be applied automatically and removed quickly