The Packsolo: Lighter weight void fill offers greater flexibility, protection

Medium weight papers offer great flexibility and therefore suit general applications across many industries, while the lighter weights are perfect for the cosmetic, medical, and media industries

Easypack-packsolo-logoThe Packsolo machine is the ultimate void fill and paper cushioning system for single ply paper producing lightweight cushions that are outstanding at providing total product protection to prevent product damage during transportation. The paper cushions can be utilized in various ways – either fully wrapping the items for protection, block and brace against movement or forming coils that can be used to support heavier items. The Packsolo system can be set-up in a way to best suit your needs. It can be supplied in either a standard horizontal or vertical configuration, have its height/tilt adjusted or alternatively our engineers can design a bespoke mounting frame to integrate the system into your current packing operation.

Void Fill - LightTotal Protection - MediumBlock and Brace - Light

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