Masking tape for painting jobs

The right masking tape for every painting application.

Many professionals know how good masking tape is for painting applications. They're known for their superior performance in a variety of applications. It really doesn't matter the size of the job either. You could be painting a few rooms in your new house or painting an entire fleet of cars or planes. Painting professionals trust Intertape to give them the clean lines and professional look they require.

So what kind of other applications are Intertape (IPG) brand tapes useful for? How about the following:

  • Packaging
  • Bundling
  • Holding
  • Light-duty
  • Splicing
  • Paint masking

IPG's premium grade products are the standard for any of your applications.

These products below from Intertape are great for the most demanding industrial, painting and transportation industry applications.

Intertape 513 Masking Tape 18mm x 55m Intertape 513 Masking Tape

Intertape 513 Masking Tape 36mm x 55m Intertape 513 Masking Tape

18mm x 55m Intertape 513- Beige crepe paper tape coated with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive. Designed primarily as an all-purpose product for non-critical applications

36mm x 55m Intertape 513- This tape is a beige crepe paper masking tape coated with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive. It is designed primarily as an all-purpose product for non-critical applications.

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