Green Bubble Packaging for a Healthier Environment
Green Bubble Packaging

An electronics and appliances company was looking for a protective packaging solution that not only provided green benefits, but durability for fragile items. With a need for superior cushioning, the company was looking for a cost effective solution to their problem. Hearing about IPS Packaging, they decided to contact a trained packaging specialist.

An electronics and appliances company was looking for a packaging solution that would provide green benefits as well as protection for fragile items.

  • Fragile merchandise breaking during transit
  • In need of a sustainable packaging solution

IPS Packaging provided a green bubble packaging solution that reduced product damage and provided numerous environmental benefits.

  • Environmentally friendly green bubble packaging
  • Contributed to overall corportate green initiatives
  • Provided superior protection for products
  • Savings of $190,000 a year

IPS Packaging provided a green bubble packaging solution that increased yield to save by $190,000 a year, but also reduced overall truckloads significantly. This reduction contributed to overall corporate green initiatives for the electronics company while providing superior protection for the products being shipped on a daily basis.

Not only did the green bubble packaging prove to alleviate the company's merchandise breakage, but green bubble packaging provided numerous environmental benefits.

Not only did the green bubble packaging prove to alleviate the company's merchandise breakage, but green bubble packaging provided numerous environmental benefits. Green bubble packaging contains up to 40% recycled content, uses 20% post-consumer content, and reduces solid waste in landfills. In addition, it is manufactured using recyclable polyethylene resin.

IPS provided a high-performance, green bubble packaging that not only meets green initiatives, but exceeds them by reducing landfill waste. By using this type of bubble packaging, IPS was able to remove 361 truckloads from the road for the appliances company; overall contributing significantly to bottom line cost savings.

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 888-922-1622 or contact our Sales team.

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