Consumer-based packaging trends highlight the food industry

Consumer-based product packaging trends are ever-changing in an effort to keep up with modern preferences. New market reports indicate that many of the biggest packaging changes are coming from the packaged food industry, which is rapidly changing its efforts and expectations in an effort to shy away from bulky products.

"...Operational changes can be seen all over the world, with a renewed focus on shelf appeal, pack functionality and innovation."

Small Cap Network reported that operational changes are seen seen all over the world, with a renewed focus on shelf appeal, pack functionality and innovation.  Manufacturers are looking for packaging design and functionality that will appeal both to the consumer eye and ease of use. A Japanese company's corned beef products are one example, as the formerly one-use containers originally used have new been replaced with plastic with re-sealable containers. The packages themselves radiate a more colorful and modern design, helping to improve the overall advertising of the brand.

Trends in packing products changing throughout 2014 Trends in packing products changing throughout 2014

Changing packages to plastic is especially notable for the businesses. The plastic containers better appeal to Japan's aging population, drawing attention to the ease and safety of the new design. Other companies are following suit, targeting their approach to meeting and exceeding their customer's expectations.

Consumer-based packaging trends and the big picture.

Among other food-service producers, additional consumer-based packaging trends are taking prominence in effort to cut costs while providing the ultimate package solution.

  • Clamshell packaging and easy-to-open packages - aimed at both lowering shipping costs while adding to potential sales figures.
  • Bubble and foam pouches – consolidate the amount of general commodities used to wrap a single product while showing a cost savings.
  • Wraps within corrugated boxes – protecting the vulnerability of vegetables from brusing and pressure while adding a sustainable appeal.
  • Environmentally conscious packaging products, such as dry boxes – improving the viability of the product.

Bulk packaging is also on the decline. Industries today continue to reduce the components necessary in sending out a single package.

Each of these trends hopes to draw consumers' eyes and wallets alike with smaller, higher-quality purchases that will leave them coming back for more.  

What packaging trend is your company currently looking into implementing?

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