Check Your Packaging Resources: Are You Getting All of the Information?


The “Cloud,” otherwise known as the Internet, is beginning to take over.  With e-commerce sales dramatically increasing, social networking becoming a B2B common practice, and viral video plaguing every nook and cranny of the online community, IPS is setting a new standard for the online packaging industry.   So, how do you discover knowledge about the packaging industry? The answer is simple: “be in the know.”

IPS Packaging has worked hard to establish ways to connect online. Customer service being one our main priorities, we are always seeking to discuss, examine, provide and learn about new packaging technologies, products and services.

Did you know that IPS Packaging has…

  • Twitter feed that will start promoting coupon codes and other various promotions throughout the year?
  • LinkedIn page that features our employees, products, twitter feeds and other information on our company?
  • Facebook page that frequently advertises flyers, e-mail blasts and other production items?
  • YouTube channel that shows helpful information and how-to's on our products?

Not to mention, our new additions to the “Unpack the Knowledge” campaign featuring:

  • Mobile App of our catalog (available now for the iPod, iPhone and iPad).
  • monthly newsletter that features ROI stories, online interaction points, current market trends and IPS promotions.
  • Podcasts that feature our webinars and other packaging information.

Get "in the know" today with IPS Packaging!

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 800.277.7007 or email our Sales team.

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