According to the “US eCommerce Forecast: 2013 to 2018” from Forrester Research, Inc., in 2014, online retail sales in the U.S. are expected to reach $294 billion, or approximately 9% of all U.S. sales. The forecast further predicts a strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for U.S. e-commerce of 9.5% between 2013 and 2018, yielding approximately $414 billion in online sales by 2018, or 11% of total U.S. retail sales.
The growth in the e-commerce market only leaves packaging companies with the staggering task of providing the perfectly tailored packaging designs for the products provided. "Checking All the Boxes, a study conducted in May 2014, StellaService explained that "proper package fit leaves a better impression with shoppers, saves retailers money on shipping costs, and reduces the possibility of damaged products." Patented in 1856, corrugated paper has been used as a packaging solution for over a century. A few reasons why corrugated boxes or "cardboard boxes," as they commonly are referred to, have retained their popularity include:
- Provide superior product protection.
- Low cost packaging solution.
- Stackable and customizable.
- Relatively lightweight.
Consistently being improved upon, corrugated offers unique solutions for different packaging applications. Some of the solutions are as follows
Proper package fit leaves a better impression with shoppers, saves retailers money on shipping costs, and reduces the possibility of damaged products.
Corrugated box alternatives you should know:
- Corrugated Fiberboard
Corrugated fiberboard is a combination of paperboards, usually two flat pieces of paper and one inner fluted corrugated medium. It is often used for making corrugated boxes for shipping products.
- Self-Seal
A box that does not require the use of tape or glue. Generally closes via adhesive strips at the openings that are part of the box and are activated by removing the tear away cover strip.
- Suspension Packaging
Packaging in which the product is suspended in the airspace of the shipping container between two layers of highly resilient, low-slip film.
- Retention Packaging
Retention Packaging Systems hold products in place within their proprietary retention frame and revolutionary film membrane. Elastomeric film safely keeps the product in place while providing excellent visibility and product display.
- Mailers
Corrugated mailers are lightweight boxes of small size design for use in mailing at the lowest cost possible.
- Chipboard
Chipboard is a paper-like material, usually over ten mils (0.010 inch, or 0.25 mm) in thickness. Some types of chipboard (corrugating medium and linerboard) are used in the construction of Corrugated fiberboard.
- Singlewall/Doublewall Corrugated
Any piece of corrugated material has the possibility of being doublewall. This is simply a board which has an extra fluted, corrugated layer.
Study Conclusion
The study conducted by StellaService concluded with this main thought, "Impressive packaging can be the differentiator for retailers hoping to stand out from the pack and create loyal brand advocates... Consider that going above and beyond (in terms of package fit, protection, and branding) can give a retailer an advantage over 80% of the market."