- 800-277-7007
- ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
April 23, 2019 839
What are Consumer Packaged Goods? Consumer Packaged Goods, (or CPGs), are products that are sold quickly at a relatively low cost. Just think of those household items with daily use such as beverages, paper products, non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, etc. These items are shipped quickly and need to be restocked at home on a routine basis. CPGs...
July 16, 2018 1369
How does cold seal packaging work? You may have head about cold seal packaging and the many other names associated with the process. Cohesive packaging, self-seal adhesives, and cold seal adhesives, we're all talking about the same thing. How does it work? It's a unique process used to seal products. Natural rubber is used in the process, along with...
April 05, 2018 468
Improve packaging efficiency with cohesive material Self-adhering cohesive packaging creates a quick wrap around any product. All it takes is a little pressure, preferably by automated equipment, and your product is protected. The cold seal sticks to itself and nothing else with a natural rubber latex. There's different types of cohesive packaging materials...