eBook: Shipping accountability helps prevent product damage, profit losses

Shipping accountability makes revenue management and damage reduction easier

Shipping food across the country requires specific environmental controls. But how can you be sure that your products are being cared for once they leave your facility? Shipping food requires specific environmental controls and accountability. Are you sure your products are being cared for once they leave your facility?

Manufacturers, distributors, and carriers are left to absorb the cost of damages when packaging, handling, and transporting fails to deliver the goods to customers as ordered. But, sometimes you don't know where or when the damage occurred, especially when it's not detectable until the end-user is opening the packaging. The fact of the matter is that having shipping accountability means that you can find out when and where something happened.

Sure, insurers handle the claims, but they don't like it any more than anyone else who has touched that package. It becomes a game of he said / she said, with no one taking responsibility and no resolution that makes anyone happy.

What if you had something that could let you know when and where damage occurred?

What if you could actively pinpoint accountability down to, for example, the time and duration of exposure to unacceptable temperature ranges?

Suddenly, the fingers are all pointed in the right direction. And by pinpointing the issues and addressing them, the potential creation of standardized processes will improve all shipments going forward. That's true shipping accountability.

How can environmental factors damage shipments?

A controlled environment is key to ensuring the quality of some products. In the case of perishable products, specific temperature ranges must be maintained in order to manage the quality of the products, such as medications and food. Should either be exposed too long to environments that are too hot or too cold, the items can be damaged, rendering them ineffective and unusable.

Consider the cost of losing a truck full of a medication that sells for multiple hundreds of dollars a bottle.

Or the cost of losing a truckload of fresh fruits or milk being shipped to grocery stores thousands of miles from the production facility.

But, with environmental indicators and recorders from ShockWatch, such as the ColdMark, WarmMark, WarmMark Duo, WarmMark Long Run, and HeatWatch, shippers and recievers can better monitor where any potential damage may be occuring. Each monitor temperature for different products, some recording up to 8 different temperatures and duration at which the product was exposed to that temperature.

ShockWatch indicators and labels means more accountability in the supply chain. ShockWatch indicators and labels means more accountability in the supply chain.

Benefits of Environmental Indicators:

  • Protects fragile, sensitive or calibrated goods while in transit
  • Eliminates safety concerns about the development of bacterial growth, infection and contamination while shipment is in transit.
  • Provides evidence of exposure to harsh temperature conditions
  • Ensures and maintains the quality of the product from dock to dock
  • Reduces product damage and loss during transit and storage
  • Increases customer satisfaction and lowers bottom line

At the end of the day, these indicators and monitors won't stop potential damage from happening, but what they will offer is the peace of mind to know where the accountability lies. They also serve as another reminder to handlers that there are specific factors that need to be taken into account with the shipment that they are handling. That - in and of itself - can be as much a deterrent as anything else!

For more information on this line of products, check out our free eBook.

IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 800.277.7007 or visit us.

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