Plastic Strapping strapping is made for use with hand tools and high-production power strapping machines. All types have controlled surface properties that minimize tensioning effort, increase tension-transmission around corners, and improve operating effectiveness. All are split-resistant to amplify reliability in tools and power equipment. Stipulations for all varieties of Signode plastic strapping along with general methods of application for each type are explicated in the following tables.
Contrax Strapping– Polypropylene
Contrax polypropylene strapping is an excellent choice for light and medium-duty applications, including palletizing, unitizing, bundling, carton closure and reinforcement. It resists splitting and has a level, uniform surface; it functions reliably in power strapping machines and hand tools. Contrax strapping has “elastic memory” which absorbs shock and keeps strapping tight during shipping and handling.
Empax Strapping– Polypropylene
Empax waffled strapping is designed to perform in hot-knife sealing machines that necessitate embossed strapping. It is a great option for many light and medium-duty applications. An array of coil sizes is available for use in many power strapping machines. Empax has “elastic memory” to keep straps tight, and features consistent width and gauge control to run efficiently in your strapping machine. It is an inexpensive choice for countless applications.
Tenax Strapping– Polyester
Tenax polyester strapping can be tensioned to an elevated percentage of its break strength than any other strapping material. It provides superior retained tension under hot, humid settings and is more resistant to such environments than other plastic strapping. In addition, it provides greater load stability during storage and shipping. Tenax strap is well-built and resilient enough to perform smoothly and reliably in power strapping machines and hand tools. Furthermore, it provides additional tear and snag resistance than other plastic strapping.
Dymax Strapping– Nylon
Dymax strapping is oriented during manufacturing, making it six times more durable than ordinary nylon. Perfect for use in cold room applications, such as food processing, it resists tension decay and allows for improved reinforcement over extended storage periods. Dymax strapping stays tight. It conforms to modifications in load size and shape without sacrificing its reinforcement capabilities. A smooth, lubricated finish help to aid reliable feeding through feedwheel-type strapping equipment.