Packaging solutions sought out by industries

Effective packaging solutions are unique to the industries they serve; each method used is likely to be specifically tailored to a goal or task that is brought about by the market in which it operates.

Automotive manufacturing, food distribution and electronics production are all very different sectors that have their own demands and strategies for packaging solutions and supply chain management. While an emphasis on parts durability may be more important to one industry, making sure that contaminants do not gain access to the product may be of importance to another industry. This variance in emphasis can be recognized from the production of an item to the purchase of the product by the customer. A product line carries with it unique requirements that have profound impact on a company from production to packaging; the prescribed packaging solutions thereof may differ based on various market specific demands.

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Plastics see growth with oil industry

The country as a whole has seen strong growth in its domestic oil production as new shale reserves are being tapped for their resources. According to a recent report from the IHS, this growth in production is having a profound impact on the plastics industry.

The Plastics Industry Trade Association (SPI) explains that shale energy development in the country is expected to lead to a 10 percent growth within the plastics market by 2020. By 2025, this number is expected to grow to nearly 13 percent.

"This new IHS study shows how shale energy development is creating a global competitive advantage for U.S. plastics manufacturers by bringing energy and feedstock prices down," said SPI CEO William R. Chateaux. "Particularly when you consider that most resins in the United States are produced from natural gas while those in Europe and Asia are made from oil-based feedstock."

With this increase in production, it is likely that further additional packaging solutions will come with the various products that are produced. In order for companies to maintain efficiency and limit their costs, while at the same time ensuring the safe transportation of their product, sustainable solutions are a must.

"This new IHS study shows how shale energy development is creating a global competitive advantage for U.S. plastics manufacturers by bringing energy and feedstock prices down," said SPI CEO William R. Chateaux.

Food industry employs innovative packaging solutions

Markets driving packaging solutions can be seen in a variety of industries. One of the more innovative packaging solution is with food distribution as a number of competing factors play into how a product is contained. One company changed its margarine container in order to optimize shelf space and limit material used.

The company alternated from a round tub to a square container, with different corresponding dimensions, according to Packaging World. Though volume and weight remained changed, the company moved from a round 4.5 in width tub to a square 4 in tub. Such a redesign works to increase warehouse efficiency by 60 percent and increase shelf space by 50 percent, according to the news source, which can increase volume on the shelf by 20 units or two rows.

Other manufacturing companies are giving the go ahead on packaging solutions such as automated packaging machines that can speed up production output while limiting the amount of wasted material. Through the use of automated equipment, the exact amount of packaging material and its proper application can be better calculated, reducing room for human error, while dramatically increasing the speed at which units are packaged.

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