eBook: Packaging automation improves throughput without increased costs

"Not only is the ROI impressive, but the improvements to my throughput is also a big plus.  With year over year growth, [adding an automated stretch wrapper] to our operation will allow us to provide an increased service level at our current state... These throughput improvements will also alleviate much needed space in our facility by allowing us to handle increased volumes in the same space without additional staffing."

Warehouse Operations Manager, Logistics Solutions Provider, Laredo, Texas

Packaging automation is working for him. Will it work for you?

When it comes to determining whether or not automating any part of your packaging process is worth the effort, it's critical to consider the ROI.  In the case of this customer, he will recognize ROI in under 12 months and he'll be able to manage his growing business without the addition of labor and other overhead costs.

IPS Packaging has a variety of offerings to help you do the same thing: we represent the most recognized and highly regarded manufacturers in the industry.  With decades of experience and dedicated Account Managers and Product Specialists, we have the know-how to get you the answers to any questions you might have regarding how automating your packaging line can help you save time and money.

Download our free eBooks to learn how packaging automation can make your life easier and your products safer.  Let our years of solutions experience help you to optimize your business' performance.

Packaging Automation: Auto Bagging Packaging Automation: Case Sealers Packaging Automation: General Overview Packaging Automation: Stretch Wrappers

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