A pet supply distributor was using multiple types of cushioning/void‐fill to package its products before sending them to retail and consumer locations. The decision was left up to the individual packer who was free to select air pillows, paper dunnage, and/or expanded polystyrene (EPS) peanuts to fulfill the order.

In the largest of the company’s five distribution centers, Storopack machines were producing air pillows and Ranpak was attempting to replace manually‐crumpled 30# paper with one of their units. Packers had to roll carts filled with pillows to their station, walk to the side to access the Ranpak TT machine or reach overhead to access bags filled with EPS. Each station was cluttered with multiple protective packaging types and there was no uniformity or “best practices” in place to create optimum packages.

With products ranging from 40‐pound dog food bags to small bottles of liquid pharmaceuticals, the packers also had access to 25 different case sizes, adding to pack inconsistencies and complexity. With the assistance of the distributor, we were able to present the GeoSpeed Quantum XF story to the pet supply distributor, promoting its heavy‐duty 45# paper, its small footprint, improved packer ergonomics, consolidation of inventory and ordering, and pack consistency.

Further, we showed how converting from multiple protective packaging types would make it easier for the company to institute “best practice” guidelines for the packing operations. The objective was improved protection, uniform appearance, and material conservation.

The company decided to move forward with an “all Quantum” solution by ordering 24 Quantum XF machines, which have been custom‐mounted onto a pack table to enhance ease‐of‐use. The pet supply company moved the other packaging systems and materials to its other distribution centers to use up the inventory. When existing inventory is depleted, then the other four locations will also convert to Quantum.

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