Honeycomb Packaging Provides fishermen environmentally friendly packaging alternative for frozen food shipments
Focused on environmentally friendly packaging while concerned with the impact of their current polystyrene insulation and facing problems related to shipping their catches globally, Alaskan fishermen reached out to IPS Packaging.
IPS began by researching several green packaging alternative for shipping their refrigerated seafood products. We ultimately proposed honeycomb packaging which delivers high compression strength while also meeting the required R-value for their fishing industry operation.
Often used for industries where environmentally acceptable controlled temperature packaging is needed, honeycomb packaging proved to be the most cost effective, environmentally friendly packaging solution. After introducing honeycomb to their packaging process, this fishing company was not only satisfied, but also surprised with the scope of enhancements honeycomb provided.
Honeycomb provided protective packaging and additional insulation to maintain the frozen seafood which reduced the amount of coolant used. This dramatically lowered costs and created more storage space which increased total delivery load.
Furthermore, this fishing company was pleased to find the honeycomb much easier to handle than the previous styrofoam insulation. Since honeycomb packaging is available in a wide variety of sizes, they were able to leverage this flexibility using honeycomb packaging for numerous other environment friendly, cost savings shipping applications.
- High compression strength
- Easy to handle
- Multiple sizes
- Insulation to maintain product protection and food temperature
Honeycomb delivers environmentally friendly, cost effective packaging solution
- Reduced amount of coolant needed
- Provided more storage space
- Green, sustainable alternative to styrofoam insulation
- Maintained the necessary R-value
Total Packaging Cost Summary:
- Material: High compression strength
- Environmental: Biodegradable
- Savings: Freight savings from reduction in coolant