Air-O-Film Stretch 250-Helping to Keep You Warm in Wintertime


Brick Manufacturing company spending to much on broken bricks.

In certain regions across the globe, peat is an excellent and abundant form of fuel. The manufacturing of this natural resource, however, poses a number of challenges. In order to transform the loose matter into something that can be burned, it must be compressed and the water removed. Achieving this dryness so quickly and on an industrial scale proved to be a massive issue for one frustrated customer.

The regular stretch film that the manufacturing plant was using was causing an extreme amount of moisture to be produced on the bricks that were supposed to be dry. The result was expanding, rotting, and broken bricks. Entire loads were rejected by customers because of the poor quality of the bricks.  Fixing the mess cost the manufacturing company a great deal of time and money.

In order to prevent more bricks from breaking and another costly catastrophe, the manufacturing company contacted IPS Packaging to help them find a packaging solution. We recommended that they use Air Flo Stretch Wrap so that the product would be able to cool naturally on the pallet. Savings were enormous for the manufacturer and they will never second guess their decision to use Air Flo Stretch Wrap.

The Problem

The regular stretch film that the manufacturing plant was using was causing an extreme amount of moisture to be produced on the bricks that were supposed to be dry.

  • Expanding, rotting, and broken bricks
  • Entire loads rejected by customers
  • Loss of time and money
The Solution

IPS Packaging recommended that they use Air Flo Stretch wrap so that the product would be able to naturally cool on the pallet.

  • Prevented bricks from breaking
  • Loads arrived in good condition
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Enormous savings for the manufacturer

Air Flo Stretch Wrap allows the product to cool naturally on the pallett."

Maximize your equipment efficiency.

To find out how you can streamline your packaging process and learn about cost savings opportunities, contact one of our highly qualified packaging specialists! Call us today! 888.922.1622.

Total Packaging Cost Summary:

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IPS Packaging is a leading provider of packaging supplies, packaging equipment and packaging solutions. If you would like to know more about IPS Packaging, call 888.922.1622 or contact our Sales team.

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