Aerospace production is expected to increase in the coming months, increasing demand for secure, efficient packaging.
As the economy continues to recover, many industries throughout the country are picking up operations. This affects all aspects of the supply chain, meaning that the production of individual parts, along with assembly, could likely see increased activity in the coming months.
This is certainly true in the aerospace industry. With some fleets growing older, many airlines are looking to modernize their airplanes, and as a result, manufacturers are seeing a huge influx in orders. One major manufacturer, Boeing, has only recently sorted out the bugs in its most recent line of planes - the 787. Because of these various business factors, the need for packaging solutions that can get aerospace parts to where they need to be safely and cost-effectively is of the utmost importance.
Addressing new orders
According to Assembly Magazine, two of the major players in the industry are expected to step up their production efforts in the coming months. Airbus is in the process of constructing a $600 million assembly plant, which is expected to begin operations in 2015. By 2016, the first aircraft is expected to be delivered, while up to 50 could be completed by 2018. Currently, the company has a backlog of 5,109 jets.
The news source noted that the company is eagerly awaiting the completion of this plant because its major competitor, Boeing, has an order backlog of 4,757 planes, much of which is composed of 787 and 737 models.
On top of this, the Associated Press reported that orders for factory goods within the industry increased by nearly 58 percent.
These various factors indicate that business in the field is growing faster than it has in previous years, which means that companies involved in these markets need to be able to get their products to the right manufacturers safely and quickly.
Innovations in packaging improving service
Especially in aerospace, it is extremely important that various parts get to the assemblers that they need to in a timely fashion. As the news sources noted, two of the biggest entities in the industry have large backlogs, meaning that these companies need to be able to get their products out as fast as possible.
However, this is not going to be able to happen as quickly as it needs to if the commercial businesses from which they buy their parts are not able to handle these large orders. As a result, these part producers need to be able to get their orders out in a timely manner, without damaging their goods in the process.
One innovation that could enable these operations do so is the use of pre-molded foam kits. These solutions work by using packaging items that are custom fit to the part in order to ensure a safe solution that is quick to assemble. Such processes can lead to labor savings of 65 percent, materials savings of 41 percent and peace of mind knowing that the part is secured in transit to the assembly plant.