There's 3 main factors to consider when choosing the type of strapping for your package. We previously talked about package characteristics and the types of packages. Now it's time to review how the package will be handled, stored, and shipped.
A load picked up by overhead crane requires more careful consideration than a product that is handled by conveyor or fork lifting truck. Lifting packages by the strap should only be done with special steel strapping, seals, and lifting methods. This combination of strapping, seals, and lifting methods is known as USLM or “Unit Strap Lifting Method.”
Temperature of where the load will be stored (and for how long) should also be considered when selecting a strapping choice. All polypropylene and polyester straps, in varying degrees, may be vulnerable to extreme conditions of heat, cold, humidity, and sunlight. We must also consider whether the loads will be stacked, or stored in racks. If they are to be stacked, then a plastic strap may be the logical selection to take up the slack when the compression of the other loads is removed.
And, what is the mode of shipment? Will it travel by truck, railcar, air or overseas container? Railcars are frequently impacted in switchyards; therefore the load requires a strap and seal that will absorb shock without breaking. How far will it be shipped? You may strap a load differently if it goes across town, rather than across country. And, finally, how will the ultimate receiver handle the product. That’s just as important as how the shipper handles it.