2-Ply Abrasion Resistant Paper Dunnage Airbag - 48" x 48"

SKU 355859
Availability:Please Call
The Abrasion Resistant Airbag helps eliminate the chafing effect caused in shipping. Unique zebra stripe markings ensure the airbag is properly installed. If the stripes are touching the edges of the void, it is installed correctly. If the are not touching, the void is too large for that size bag. The resistant Dunnage Airbags allow for ease and accommodations when placed between pallets or loads. Unlike other airbags, the Abrasian Resistant Airbag is able to stand up during application for easy positioning. Also, these Paper Airbags are reusable and recyclable.
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Width 48"
Length 48"
Level Level 1
Material Inner
Outer 90 lb. Linerboard
Max PSI 3
Ply 2
Transportation Type Truck, Intermodal& Ocean Container
Type Paper Dunnage Air Bags