3M Safety-Walk Medium Re

SKU 99758
Availability:Please Call
3M(TM) Safety-Walk(TM) Medium Resilient Tread 310 Black, 4 in x 60 ft, 1 per case A resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant, textured material. Reverse side is coated with pressure-sensitive adhesive covered by a removable protective liner. Features a resilient, non-mineral, slip-resistant material. Soft surface is suitable for bare feet. For locker rooms and recreational/athletic equipment, boats and docks, interior stairwells, entryways and lobbies. Available in custom sizes and colors, and with custom adhesives.
Sold by CS (1/CS)
1+ 5+ 10+ 20+
Retail price 5% 8% 12%
- +
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Color Black
