20" x 48" x 2" Bulkhead Panel 50 per skid

SKU 360125
Availability:Please Call
20" x 48" x 2" Bulkhead Panel 50/SK Bulkhead void filler prevents forward and backward movement of cargo in rail cars, truck trailers and shipping containers. Uniquely designed with a honeycomb cell configuration, it provides you with a strong, durable, yet lightweight filler to help you pack an ideal load. Completely recyclable, lightweight, economical, you will find it easy to use.

Approximate Lead time: within 24 Hours

Sold by SK (50/SK)
1+ 150+ 250+ 350+
Retail price 5% 7% 10%
- +
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Width 20"
Length 48"
Height/Depth 2"
Type Dunnage Air Bags